Just sitting alone in the room made me travel back to the world of my old memories....
Those were the funfilled days of no worries at all... my friends Divya and Elham, that small canteen where we could eat veg puffs, the frankie point "Durhum", that assembly hall... the bell of my college still rings in my ears giving me that feeling once again... and that desperation in the last hour of the day before we were set free is so palpable even today....
I miss the home work, the contests-"what's the good word?", all charades, turn coat, extempore, debates, the beam robotics, COFAS, QC, Quanta, Macfair and so many other activities.... Not even a single day went dry during school and college days. Every day had a juicy flavour of its own.
I still remember how much i loved the auditorium (the one in the picture is the audi and in front of it, the play ground can be seen) only because of my love for the stage.... And i remember my notes being transferred from one person to another. I remember Divya getting me those so tasty paneer ka paratthas...ummmm yummy... Elham's sheermaal was one wonder for me.... And I can never forget, how I caught the habit of eating 'hari mirch' with food from spice lover Elham.
I wish all of us were still together, I wish God wouldn't have called back Divya, I still feel her presence around me.... Her beautiful smile still brightens my dreams; those lovely doe-like eyes still sparkle around in the night.... That pious soul still reminds me the ease with which she use to say sorry and with equal ease she could easily forgive anyone for any blunder...
Poor Somnath (a bong class mate and a fabulous singer) loved her, may be it was just a crush.... but this whole thing made us call him "chimpu" and her "chimpy"....hahaha....The similar kinetics we had gave us the name "twins"...I still love her so much and miss her too...
Anyways, I think that is what life is all about- to move forward not leaving the lessons behind. Every day is a new chapter, a new beginning, and dawning of a new morning. I have come a long way; there is no looking back or retrospection... It is all about what we give to this world as a gift and how we enhance it by our small little gestures.
The deep slumber of death embraces everyone; what remains alive is our immortal goodness. Let Death be proud of us, let her feel the sorrow for taking away such a beautiful human being... And that's only possible when we are beautiful within. Let us all mutually nurture ourselves together and make a happy garden, where we don’t kill each other and should be ready to die for one another. Time keeps passing by and we keep growing each day… people around us change, we change… ONLY MEMORIES OF THOSE DAYS REMAIN…