I opened my eyes with dew on them,
And sweet nothings whispered in my ears,
The urge woke me unbothered with time's hem,
And his hand's grip,at once, washed all my fears.
His evangelic face had the eyes of the priest,
His gait, though child-like, was steadily brave.
No meal with him too tastes like an enormous feast,
Yes, for a man like him- who's soul wouldn't crave?
The jokes of his wit at every spur passed,
Show the rare heart and mind combo owned.
A day with him seems to be a second well masked,
He can melt you like wax, even if you are stoned.
The darling of all, he rules every heart,
His magical charm and smile can ruin every moan.
Having his own scepter of the mystical art,
He wipes out griefs evoking agony and groan.
Adoring it when he gives me a childish chide,
He has always saved me from the cuts of the deadly knife.
I am lucky to have him by my side,
I thank the Almighty for this blessing of my life.
hmmm.....i wish someone were to write something like this for me.....truly splendid....wants to make me fall in love....
loverly...i no longer get moved by lovestruck stuff but uve put it in words beautifully :)
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