Tuesday, 2 December 2008

On The Death of Her Mother!

The sound of black silence,
Dethrones the giggles;
The heart shrinks to a point
And the eyes hold mute tears,
Shrieking aloud the story
Innocence is orphaned.

Under the clear sunny clime,
When the world basks in the sun,
She sits lonely on her bench of thoughts,
Struggling, fighting and striving hard;
Beginning a new race of joy with every Tomorrow,
Only to end up at the gates of the lethal Sorrow.

Amid the titters of the day,
She is lost finding her own way.
She wonders the reasons of life,
Why is glum cutting her soul with a vile knife?
Her laughter is deceived as soon as born,
There she returns in her blanket of the unknown dark.

Orphaned! Orphaned! Orphaned!
With no tender mother’s hand on her brow,
No gentle smile and no adoring heart,
She lies on the ground, with her brazen art,
Being attacked by dawn’s raw claws,
The gentle twilight is but a long venomous pause.


Barina said...

touching...keep writing....!!! i luv to read wat u write........